

Sep 02, 2023

BPC 157 Benefits

In this complete BPC 157 review, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about BPC 157 benefits.

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People talk about it being a super tool to help bodybuilders for its regenerative effects in targeting muscle injuries and bone healing and strengthening of those damaged tissues, to allow them to recover faster and push themselves harder.

Also, there seem to be notable BPC 157 erectile dysfunction benefits, but how good are they?

I’ve tried this peptide, and in the next few minutes, I’m going to give you all the information you need to know about how it works, its healing benefits, dosing, side effects, and where to buy it.

BPC 157 is a synthetic peptide, and BPC stands for body protection compound. It is sold as a research chemical. It's a reproduction of a naturally occurring series of amino acids that is found in the human stomach.

It was found to have potentially good healing properties in the body, especially around muscle, bone, vascularity improvements, and inflammatory conditions.

BP 157 supplements are artificial recreations of the 15 amino acid chains found in the actual peptide. So you are not getting a live peptide, but an artificially synthesized one.

Studies have found that higher levels of this short-chain amino acid are produced when we suffer mental or physical trauma.

It was observed particularly that muscle and bone tissue, and vascular pathways were improved with higher levels of it.

So primarily, it works by producing new blood vessels, to allow physical recovery, and mental recovery, when blood vessels have died, or trauma has caused a reduction in the body's ability to repair itself.

The overall process seems to rely on higher levels of the amino acid triggering angiogenesis.

Angiogenesis prioritizes energy and oxygen to the damaged area, allowing fast repair and transport of what's needed there, and increasing blood flow, even if this means creating new blood vessels in that area.

Also, angiogenesis appears to raise levels of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) and something called an anti-inflammatory gene transcription factor. These create an even faster and stronger systematic response to the initiation and completion of repairs.

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So that's the theory, but what in realistic and practical terms can this peptide do for you, what are the BPC 157 benefits and results that you can achieve and notice?

Let's talk about the great health benefit of the increase in nitric oxide levels first. When elevated, it can help improve carotid artery blood flow, lower blood pressure, and potentially enhance the delivery of oxygen to muscle tissue, and in some minor studies, even it can help fight back against erectile dysfunction.

Overall then, you’re looking at a peptide that has the potential to increase blood flow, make it more efficient, target muscle and bone tissue to recover and repair themselves faster reduces inflammation, and improve blood vessel pathways.

I’ll also just mention the upregulating of serotonin and dopamine. When you are traumatized by an injury, pumping these hormones up can offset anxiety, depression, and a desire to give up. So, from an exercise point of view, it can also give you a potential boost during your workouts, and during injury recovery.

To me, BPC 157 peptide reads like it's got a lot of potentials, and I’m sure it does to you. Having also used it, I can confirm that there are definitely noticeable, positive benefits.

What you are getting is an artificial peptide supplement that upregulates nitric oxide, improves blood pathways, and sends resources to damaged areas of the body better, helping to better manage your response to injury, easing joint pain, and lowering blood pressure alongside increasing the efficiency of arterial flow.

There is one downside to what sounds like a fantastic set of benefits though. Although BPC-157 peptide is water-soluble, it has a low level of bioavailability if consumed orally.

Therefore oral administration is not recommended, it's far better to use when it's injected directly into the areas of the body that you want to target. It gets there faster, and it gets there in higher quantities per dose.

You can take it orally if you really don't want to deal with injections, but you’ll have to get a very good quality supplement and take it at high doses, which can work out very expensive.

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So, here are the steps to use to dose it:

Please note that although you can target damaged muscle tissue directly, you can just do one injection rather than several. It will still transport around your bloodstream and increase the levels at which the body responds generally in the right areas.

Because BPC 157 hasn't been through human trials for any purpose, then there is no established dosage range, and any dosage range used is anecdotal.

We do know that it has a half life of 12 hours, so it lasts in the body for up to 24 hours, and means you can dose it once per day generally, or directly into the areas you want to target.

But that doesn't mean you have to. You could dose twice per day, spreading the dose out. However, that obviously means more injections.

200 mcg seems to be a good starting dose. Note that is micrograms and not milligrams because there's one hell of a difference between the two.

The top-end dose appears to be 1 mg. Certainly, that's the highest dose I’ve seen anyone administer. For oral dose, you’ll want to be looking at that top-end dose initially though, maybe even higher.

For me, when I used it to deal with muscular injuries and inflammation, I injected 500 mcg directly into the skin above the injury once per day.

I definitely noticed a faster recovery than from previous muscle injuries. But more than that, it was getting stronger at a much faster rate. The rehabilitation time for lost muscle tissue and strength was definitely significantly lowered.

There is also a BPC 157 erectile dysfunction discussion to be had here. It is not like Viagra though, so it is not going to pump you up immediately before you have intercourse.

But, because it improves blood flow, creates new blood vessel pathways, and improves arterial flow, over time, it can help to heal blood vessel damage and improve blood flow to the right area.

People have noted that over a few weeks, erections have become stronger, happen faster, and last longer.

Now, I think there's obviously a placebo effect going on here as well, but when we know what BPC 157 peptide targets, including higher levels of dopamine, serotonin, and HGH, alongside increased blood flow, then it stands to reason that it can help to target problems with poor erection strength over the medium term.

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BPC 157 peptide didn't go through many human clinical trials. It's a research chemical that has been tested for inflammatory bowel disease and soft tissue healing, but that's it. This was the only trial so there is no "official" list of side effects and warnings to be aware of.

But people using it do report nausea for about an hour after dosing it. Especially if it is taken orally, but also if injecting it.

Other than that, there are really no side effects to report that I have been made aware of during my use and research of this peptide.

TB 500 is another synthetic peptide (a research chemical) that has been created from the structure of a short-chain amino acid from the human body.

Not found in the stomach like BPC 157, TB 500 is actually found in saliva, tears, and cerebrospinal fluid.

It has had no human testing, but animal studies have shown it has many benefits it increases the speed of wound healing, muscle tears, muscle sprains, inflammation, joint healing, and other injuries so there appear to be great similarities between the two peptides.

BPC 157 peptide is available from Behemoth Labz. A fantastic USA-based seller of bodybuilding supplements, it's the most notable place to find good quality BPC 157 peptides for sale.

I just compared BPC 157 Vs TB 500. In fact, Behemoth Labz sells a single supplement that contains both, with a 4 mg joint dose costing $62.

On its own, BPC 157 supplement is available as a 5 mg injectable for just $58.98.

Is BPC 157 Peptide good for you?

BPC 157 has been linked to improvements in mood through the fact it can help to regulate both serotonin and dopamine in the brain (serotonin can also impact gut health, so modulation in the brain could potentially also help to lower symptoms of conditions like irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease). It's been linked to being able to repair mitochondrial damage (neuron repair) and has the ability to impact muscle recovery and repair as well.

Why is BPC 157 not FDA approved?

Even though BPC 157 seems to have high potential in several areas as an easily administered peptide supplement, the problem is that there is very little human research. Because it's not known conclusively if it's safe, and what the long-term effects (and side effects) are, then there is no way that it can be FDA approved. In fact, the FDA is trying to crack down on it because it's spreading widely in use because they are concerned about the fact it is untested and unregulated.

Do athletes use BPC 157 Peptide?

Athletes and bodybuilders certainly do use BPC 157 in order to help speed up injury recovery times, and increase their mood and focus through the way it can interact with the dopamine and serotonin hormones in the brain.

However, it's also important to note that the world anti-doping agency has added this artificial peptide to its banned substances list, and if an athlete is caught with its presence found in the body, then they would face being banned. However, using BPC 157 peptide not going to fail you a regular pee test. You can read an excellent guide on on how to pass a piss test easily.

Does BPC 157 affect hormones?

BPC 157 affects levels of the happy hormone serotonin, and the determination and focus hormone dopamine. It has the ability to regulate these and deliver a more even level of both. Although unclear, there is also some evidence it helps to regulate growth hormone levels as well as part of its ability to deliver faster levels of repair to muscle injuries.

Does BPC 157 increase growth hormone?

There is some evidence that BPC 157 peptide can increase the expression of growth hormone receptors in tendon fibroblasts. However, this is not evidence that it increases levels of growth hormone directly but is more related to its ability to increase repair speeds in muscle tissue.

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