

Jun 14, 2023

Five (5) Best Nootropics and Brain Supplements in Australia and USA for 2022

Modern life runs at a frenetic pace requiring excellent mental state, great ability to concentrate, ability to perceive, memory and certainly enormous brainpower.

Everyday problems asking for immediate solutions, the constant stressful situations, the endless commitments in the office / home / daily routine, never stop demanding endless energy from you.

How many times have you not felt empty of strength?

How many times have you not seen that you are unable to concentrate on what you are doing (thus reducing your efficiency)?

How many times have you wished there was a "magic pill" to fill you with energy, brainpower and cognitive ability to be able to complete the huge amount of work you have?

Therefore, if someone told you that there is such a "magic pill", would you like to know more?

This article includes five (5) best (to be exact the top) all-natural nootropic supplements for the year 2022.

Noocube is a 100% natural nutritional supplement to enhance brain function and stimulate the individual's cognitive abilities.

With a mixture of clinically tested natural substances, it "nourishes and strengthens" the brain, for performing to its maximum potential.

Noocube undertakes to stimulate the brain neurotransmitters (such as dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine and glutamate) for transmitting its messages more effectively to the rest of the body.

However, its action does not stop there. Noocube not only strengthens neurotransmitters but also protects them from damage, while it repairs those already damaged.

A nootropic supplement like Noocube is essential, especially as you grow up.

It also acts as an "anti-aging protection" for the brain reducing the damage brought by the time to brain cells.

B Vitamins (B1, B7 & B12): The role of B vitamins in maintaining cognitive functions at a high level is fundamental.

As a person's cognitive ability decreases with age, it is important to take these important vitamins before the brain damage is irreversible.

Research shows that B-complex vitamins can prevent, reduce or even reverse (at least to some extent) brain atrophy, impaired cognitive function and memory impairment.

Bacopa Monnieri: This is an almost "miracle" that became known from Ayurveda and has been clinically proven to enhance memory, stimulate mental capacity and reduce stress levels.

It is a very strong neuro-protective natural ingredient, beneficial to every man or woman "charging" his or her brain a lot in everyday life.

Lutemax 2020 ®: It is a patented blend of three (3) macular carotenoids, awarded for its effective power in fighting oxidative stress resulting from exposure to "blue light".

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Mind Lab Pro is an all-in-one supplement for the brain, stimulating its cognitive functions.

With more than 1,000,000 packages sold to date, it is an extremely popular supplement for people of all ages, from students to seniors

It has five (5) stars in user reviews and bases its action only on clinical trials and scientific data.

With Mind Lab Pro, you will have multiple benefits.

Citicoline: This chemical available as a dietary supplement, has been created specifically to stimulate memory and improve the overall function of the brain.

In fact, it is used as a medicine against many diseases affecting the function of the brain, while it also works preventively/protectively against it.

Although originally developed as a stroke prevention drug, we now find Citicoline in several nutritional supplements for brain function.

Lion's Mane Mushroom: This natural ingredient (mushroom) is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, metals, but also a wide range of amino acids, active polysaccharides and β-glucans enhancing brain function and protecting brain cells.

These mushrooms have a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect and – as reported in research published in the "International Journal of Medicine Mushrooms" – stimulates to a very significant extent the growth of brain cells (improving their function).

They prevent brain damage and protect against degenerative brain diseases (such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease).

Marine Pine Bark: Pine bark is a natural ingredient offering a very high antioxidant boost to the organism, helping it fight all harmful free radicals that increase the risk of degenerative diseases (including the brain).

It enhances the action of some very beneficial vitamins (such as vitamin E and vitamin C) and acts as anti-ageing protection for the body in general, but for the brain in particular.

In addition, it protects collagen from the oxidative action of free radicals and helps in the immediate fight against various inflammations, offering immediate pain relief.

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Hunter Focus is an all-natural supplement from the Roar Ambition company, promising to banish the unpleasant feeling of "brain fog" forever.

The top formula of the supplement ingredients aims to enhance the function of the brain, in the most natural way indeed.

Roar Ambition manufactures its leading nootropic supplement in approved facilities in the United States and the United Kingdom, using only the highest quality natural ingredients.

The specially selected ingredients of Hunter Focus feed the brain and the CNS (Central Nervous System) with nutrients that enhance their smooth functioning.

The benefits are clear.

Ashwagandha: It is broadly used in Ayurvedic Medicine and belongs to the so-called "adaptogenic herbs".

It helps the body to deal with stress and to fight the feeling of fatigue (both physical and mental).

Also known as, "Indian Ginseng", this herb has become known mainly for its aphrodisiac properties; to enhance the ability to concentrate.

In addition, it helps a generally healthy body as it promotes a healthy body weight, and controls cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

L-theanine: It is an amino acid offering a variety of benefits, including in the neurological processes of the human organism.

With the unique ability of this particular amino acid to increase dopamine production, the user's mood rises, sleep quality improves and stress is eliminated.

This has a number of health benefits in general for the human organism.

From good psychology and enhanced brain function to weight loss, to gain healthy body weight.

Vitamin D3: This vitamin – also known as the "sun vitamin" – is known for the huge benefits it has for bone density.

Nevertheless, what many people are completely unaware of is its huge benefits to the normal functioning of the immune system, as well as to the health of the teeth, to the healthy muscular function, but also to the protection and normal functioning of the brain.

Manufacturing plants are located in the United Kingdom and the United States.

Click Here to Visit the Official Website

The Brain Pill supplement combines a large number of powerful, clinically tested and approved natural ingredients to stimulate memory and enhance the cognitive abilities of users of any age (18 and over).

Each of the ingredients is in itself a very strong and effective nootropic supplement.

In any case, all together it is like»dynamite" for the brain, for "waking up" and becoming more efficient than ever.

Just a few of the huge benefits of Brain Pill:

Folic Acid: Folic acid (otherwise known as vitamin B9) is an essential building block for the production and maintenance of new cells (which is why it is essential in infancy and pregnancy).

However, it is understood that it also works protectively against the cells, preventing damage and damage that would lead them to malfunction.

A water-soluble vitamin promotes the "detoxification" of cells and the production of neurotransmitters to enhance the cognitive function of the brain.

Cognizin®: Another valuable brain aid is Cognizin®, a water-soluble version of CDP Choline.

Improves the metabolism of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and enhances its production.

In addition, it enhances good mental health and helps to achieve a good mood in the daily life of the individual.

Synapsa ™: This ingredient comes from the herb Bacopa Monnieri and helps to improve the mental performance of the person, to enhance his memory dynamics and to the ability to retrieve information.

According to studies, with this nootropic ingredient, you can halve the time of learning new information/new skills/new jobs.

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The fifth supplement found in the list of the top nootropic supplements for the year (2022) is the Performance Lab Mind.

In this case, we are definitely talking about a really "smart" pill.

In its composition, you find ingredients accelerating the action of the supplement so that you soon have significant mental benefits.

In addition, with its specially structured composition, it protects the brain nerves from damage to prevent or delay the onset of brain dysfunction caused by aging or other health conditions.

Sharp-PS® Green: Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid (a healthy fat element) present in almost all cells of the human organism.

However, mainly we find it concentrated in the cells of the brain, where it works to stimulate and protect the normal functioning of the brain.

This ingredient is extremely important as it promotes nerve growth factor (NGF) and the regeneration of brain cells.

It also enhances the plasticity of neural connections (promoting the individual's learning ability) and optimizes the membranes of brain cells (for improved neurotransmission of messages to the brain).

Ajipure® L-Tyrosine: Tyrosine is a very important amino acid acting as a "precursor" to the neurotransmitter dopamine.

This is very important since dopamine in addition to creating a pleasant feeling of euphoria and satisfaction (even every time you are faced with solving a problem), enhances the ability to concentrate and facilitates the achievement of goals.

It is what we would call pure "brainpower".

Maritime Pine Bark Extract: Next ingredient is sea pine, a health ingredient in general (but also brain health in particular), offering strong antioxidant protection and high anti-ageing action.

Reduces inflammation and prevents the occurrence of mental illnesses associated with brain diseases.

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Nootropic supplements – also established as "smart drugs" – aim to enhance the brain function of the user of any age, improving cognitive performance.

Essentially, what they do is stimulate the brain in various ways through the formula of their ingredients, to cause it to function optimally at every level (memorization, information retrieval, learning ability, concentration, and problem solving, and multi-tasking, perceptual ability).

Nootropic drugs are divided into two (2) very basic categories:

Two very popular prescription nootropic drugs are Adderall and Provigil, usually prescribed by a doctor for serious conditions such as dementia, narcolepsy orAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) .

In the case of this article, the selection of the top nootropic supplements was made ONLY among NON-prescribed products, i.e. all-natural nutritional supplements to enhance the cognitive function of the brain.

Non-prescription nootropics are non-synthetic formulations not requiring a prescription, and 100% safe.

They usually enhance the formula of their ingredients with valuable nutrients, vitamins and minerals working as a booster in the general health of the individual.

Many believe natural nootropic supplements are aimed only at the elderly, in order to prevent or fight cognitive brain damage.

Nevertheless, this is not true.

Natural nootropics can be used by any adult for strengthening the brain and improving its learning/ cognitive abilities.

Everyone sets its own criteria.

After all, no brain supplement is 100% suitable for everyone.

The best supplement is the one that can "fulfill" your personal needs, to emphasize the points you personally "lag behind".

However, a supplement with an enhanced composition of clinically approved ingredients is always a good and safe choice.

It is one of the most powerful nootropic ingredients of nature, increasing cognitive performance, stimulating alertness, fighting fatigue and greatly enhancing memory.

Caffeine as a natural medicine inhibits the adenosine receptors of the brain, giving a strong feeling of strength and energy.

It also prevents the oxidation of cells and prevents the destruction of brain cells.

For those who are not sensitive to stimulants, caffeine is an amazing choice.

L-Theanine, found in abundance in green tea, is a powerful antioxidant that helps maintain mental acidity and functionality.

It is an amino acid that helps relax the CNS (Central Nervous System) and promotes the stimulation of alpha waves in the brain (waves mainly related to creativity).

Especially when L-Theanine is combined with caffeine, the benefits for the body (and the brain) are multiple.

The two powerful chemicals together can significantly improve a person's performance in either mental work (work/exams/skills learning or physical work (gym/sport/physical work).

Lion's Mane Mushroom is a "special" mushroom looking like it has a shaggy mane.

Its positive effect on the health of the heart, intestines and brain has been proven by relevant clinical studies.

It is a mushroom rejuvenating and rekindling the chemistry of the brain, enhancing its effectiveness.

It has been suggested as a possible treatment forAlzheimer's disease, while it is also recommended for the relief of the symptoms of depression and anxiety disorder.

It has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine and is discussed as the first "smart drug" in the entire world.

It enhances memory, stimulates the ability to retrieve information, improves the speed at which the brain processes information and increases its ability to solve problems.

This natural nootropic ingredient is by no coincidence found in most OTC (Over The Counter) nootropic supplements.

As seen above, sea pine is another natural healing ingredient, a natural medicine, used for millennia and is a very powerful booster for brain function.

Improves blood circulation and enhances the memory and cognitive ability of the individual.

The next ingredient-dynamite for the brain is Panax Ginseng.

Enhances spiritual performance and relieves the feeling of mental fatigue and exhaustion.

Improves psychology and increases spiritual performance.

In addition, Panax Ginseng protects brain cells from oxidative damage and ensures their optimal function even in old age.

Based on these data we came up with the top 2 supplements of the year 2022 for the market of Australia and USA

All legal, all over-the-counter and all safe.

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Find out everything about the so-called "Smart Drugs" in Australia and US Market Noocube B Vitamins (B1, B7 & B12): Bacopa Monnieri: Lutemax 2020 ®: oxidative stress resulting from exposure to "blue light". Click Here to Visit the Official Website Mind Lab Pro Citicoline: Lion's Mane Mushroom: Alzheimer's disease Marine Pine Bark: Click Here to Visit the Official Website Hunter Focus Ashwagandha: L-theanine: Vitamin D3: Click Here to Visit the Official Website Brain Pill Vinpocetine Folic Acid: Cognizin®: Synapsa ™: Click Here to Visit the Official Website Performance Lab Mind Sharp-PS® Green: Ajipure® L-Tyrosine Maritime Pine Bark Extract: Click Here to Visit the Official Website Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) . alpha waves in the brain Based on these data we came up with the top 2 supplements of the year 2022 for the market of Australia and USA All legal, all over-the-counter and all safe. Noocube => TO ENTER THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE CLICK HERE Mind Lab Pro => TO ENTER THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE CLICK HERE