

Sep 17, 2023

Mackay cosmetic doctor Richard Hogben suspended for professional misconduct

A cosmetic doctor who prescribed injectable drugs to patients, including his wife, has been suspended for "irresponsible and reckless" conduct.

The Medical Board of Australia (MBA) brought five complaints against Richard Hogben, who operates a cosmetic skin clinic in Mackay.

It alleged Dr Hogben treated six patients during 2015 and 2016, with a range of drugs including growth-hormone-releasing peptides, anti-obesity drugs, and Melanotan II also known as the "Barbie Drug".

Melanotan II is a drug that is prescribed for the management of a rare incurable genetic condition, but has been promoted as a tanning product.

Documents from the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) show Dr Hogben failed to keep proper records, and that he provided insufficient or inappropriate information to patients about the benefits and risks of the prescribed drugs.

One of the drugs, SARMS S22, which was prescribed for a number of patients, is not approved for clinical use outside of rigorously controlled trials.

Another drug, BPC-157, has only limited animal data and there is no safety or efficiency data for use in humans.

In remarks published on Friday, Judge John Allen described Dr Hogben's conduct as multifaceted, extensive, and repetitive.

Judge Allen said the conduct was "irresponsible and reckless" and undermined public confidence in the ability and integrity of medical professionals.

He found the doctor had been practising since 1999 and should have understood his obligations around professional conduct.

Part of the complaint centred around the prescriptions Dr Hogben gave to his wife.

They included a drug promoted as a tanning product, an appetite suppressant, and a sedative.

The tribunal found that he wrote prescriptions for his wife that were both short and long-course medications, which indicates a pattern of routine prescribing rather than exceptional prescribing or repeat prescriptions.

The Code of Conduct for Doctors in Australia says that wherever possible doctors should avoid providing medical care to anyone they have a close personal relationship with.

During his wife's hospital stay, Dr Hogben ordered a clinical investigation without discussing it with her treating practitioner.

In its complaint, the MBA found that Dr Hogben failed to conduct a number of diagnostic tests and also did not consult with patients' previous treating specialists.

For at least two patients, the consultation was done over the phone, meaning the doctor was not able to do a physical assessment and determine muscle injuries or weakness.

The documents also show he failed to assess and record the weight and BMI of a patient who was prescribed medication for weight concerns.

Part of the complaint brought by the MBA was that Dr Hogben did not keep clinical records of a patient's clinical history, investigations, and information given to patients.

There were also concerns about whether patients had been given information about risks and adverse side effects or alternative treatment options.

The tribunal found for one patient, Dr Hogben failed to implement a management plan for treating muscle injuries, which could include rest, physiotherapy, or rehabilitation.

Dr Hogben has been found to have engaged in professional misconduct and has been suspended from practising as a registered medical practitioner for three months.

After that period, his registration will be subject to a number of conditions.

The ABC has attempted to contact Dr Hogben for comment.

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