

Jul 18, 2023

Saskatchewan reports continued progress addressing issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls

By [email protected] | on June 06, 2023

The Government of Saskatchewan continues to work with Indigenous partners, including in response to the 2019 federal Calls for Justice and subsequent National Action Plan on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) and 2SLGTBQQIA+ people.​

"This year, the Government of Saskatchewan is investing $27.5 million in programs and services, many of which are community-based and Indigenous-led, that address the issues of missing persons and interpersonal violence and abuse," Justice Minister and Attorney General Bronwyn Eyre said. "Our foremost goal is to help promote safety, prevention and root causes."​

The $27.5 million includes:

The Government of Saskatchewan has also provided the Saskatoon Tribal Council with $1.2 million in funding in 2023-24 for the īkwēskīcik iskwēwak (ah-gwee-ski-chick isk-way-wuk, Cree for "Women Turning Their Lives Around,") pilot program to provide up to 18 months of intensive supports and programming for women who frequently return to custody for minor offences.​

In addition, the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls+ Community Response Fund provides $400,000 to Indigenous community-based programs that promote and enhance prevention and safety. ​

"Saskatchewan will continue to collaborate with our Indigenous partners and federal and provincial counterparts to take action against gender-based violence; foster healing for victims and survivors and promote safety in all our communities," Minister Responsible for First Nations, Métis, and Northern Affairs Don McMorris said. "The development of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls+ Community Response Fund has been guided by the voices and experiences of Indigenous women. Last year, twelve community-led projects received support through this fund to address the issues raised in the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls."

In November of 2022, Saskatchewan also endorsed the National Action Plan to End Gender Based Violence.​

"The impacts of gender-based violence has lasting effects on the survivors, their families, and our communities," Minister Responsible for the Status of Women Laura Ross said. "That's why the province offers programs that provide direct support and funding as well as awareness campaigns like Face the Issue to help people understand the challenges and find solutions. We are working on multiple levels to support, inform, and prevent violence in Saskatchewan and across Canada."

The Government of Saskatchewan also continues to support the Dene Teacher Education Program, Indigenous language scholarships, and the Mitacs Indigenous Pathways internship program, and is working closely with over 20 First Nations and Métis education authorities, Elders, and Knowledge Keepers to develop a provincial education plan for 2030.​

In addition, the Family Information Liaison Unit (FILU) helps families of MMIWG navigate government processes to ensure that they are able to access support and information about their loved ones. Currently, FILU supports over 170 families of MMIWG across the province. In 2020, an independent evaluation indicated that over 90 per cent of families served by the FILU reported that they received information and assistance in a way that respected their beliefs and culture.

To recognize Red Dress Day on May 5, 2023, several families of MMIWG attended the Saskatchewan Legislature for the opening of the ‘Heart Spirits’ exhibit, which honours missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. The week of May 1, the Saskatchewan Missing Persons Partnership, chaired by the Government of Saskatchewan, brought together families of missing people to mark the 10th Anniversary of Missing Persons Week with a walk to honour the missing.​

Finally, the 2023-24 provincial budget includes the following funding: